Let’s prioritize people over paper.

Together, we can increase quality outcomes for everyone in your care and throughout your organization. With clinical insights built into every line of code, our web-based software solutions empower care professionals to enjoy more time spreading smiles.

It takes a village.

You’re not alone in trying to squeeze more care out of every shift. We’re a nonprofit committed not only to building technology solutions designed for care environments, but also to working closely with your team to achieve meaningful goals.

Peerlytics™ Infection Management & ABX Stewardship

Improved outcomes. Now that’s infectious.

Empower your care team to increase quality outcomes for patients and your whole organization. Our web-based software solution uses evidence-based criteria to simplify infection control and antibiotic stewardship and make meaningful, effective care unstoppable.

Our Integrations

How clinical insights helped us see the future.

Inspiration for our software solutions comes from decades of hands-on experience as Long-Term Care Consultants and Senior Care Pharmacists. We’re committed to continually improving our products to bring your team the highest quality clinical software available. And with our nonprofit status, we’re able to reinvest dollars back into our products for the people we serve.

Our Team, Your Partners

Christina Haeg, PTA

Account Executive

With 10+ years of healthcare experience, Christina is supporting the growth and deployment of Peerlytics web-based software solutions across the continuum of senior care. Working on a team grounded in patient care, she’s on a mission to help providers implement turnkey solutions and prioritize what matters most.

National Footprint

Join the thousands of care professionals across the country who are already working smarter (not harder) by partnering with Peerlytics.

  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
  • Ohio
  • Delaware
  • Texas
  • California
  • North Dakota
  • Nebraska

Better care is in our DNA.

Let’s Talk

Whether you’re in direct care or management, finding a better way to do your work, improve care and save money is a click away.

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